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Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution with These Helpful Tips

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Posted January 27, 2017

As you begin to settle into the new year, the pressures and time constaints of life may begin to keep you from achieving all the goals you set for yourself, but it’s important to remember to stick to those resolutions. The time to be accountable starts now!

If you’re one of the many people who pledged to better yourself in 2017 by getting in better shape but you’re not sure how to stay on track, we’re here to help. This guide will prove to be a helpful tool moving forward, and with it, 2017 can be your best year ever.

Stay Consistent With Your Workout Routines

Getting fit and living a healthier lifestyle is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions people make every year. Staying consistent with a workout routine and eating healthier, however, can be a difficult task, especially if it’s something you’re not used to. Don’t give up – stick with it, and the benefits you’ll experience will be well worth the effort!

Customize Your Fitness Routine to Make it More Enjoyable

By making your workouts more fun, you can easily stay on task and reach your goals quickly. You can make them fun by participating in sports you love, going on hikes, swimming, or even taking an afternoon walk outside. When you’re at work, try taking the stairs instead of the elevator when you can or go on a walk during your lunch break.

Keep a Journal of Your Progress

Any activity you commit to will contribute to your overall goal. It will also help to keep a journal of all the activities you did, how well you performed them, and how much you enjoyed them. That way you can focus on the activities you loved the most, making it easier to commit to consistent workouts.

Maintain Healthy Eating Habits

Exercise alone is helpful, but it’s best to pair it with an excellent source of nutrients. Eating more fruits and vegetables, keeping meals to the appropriate portion sizes, and drinking a lot of water is essential to getting the body of your dreams. By keeping track of the food you eat in a journal, it’ll be easier for you to maintain healthy eating habits.

Don’t Let Obtacles Keep You From Achieving Your Goals

If you gained a little bit of extra fat over the holidays, don’t let it keep you from realizing your goals! You can start the new year off right by asking your plastic surgeon about the slimming benefits of a CoolSculpting procedure. CoolSculpting is a safe and non-invasive way for you to get rid of excess fat and boost your confidence.

Contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Beverly Friedlander, a board-certified plastic surgeon in New Jersey, to learn more about CoolSculpting and the benefits it can offer. With the help of Dr. Friedlander’s knowledge and experience, 2017 can be your best year yet!

Dr. Friedlander became a plastic surgeon to make a real difference in the lives of her patients. She started her practice in New Jersey three decades ago, and still treats some of her very first patients to this day! Experience the difference that comes from working with a true plastic surgery professional who cares about your results by scheduling your consultation with Dr. Bev.

636 Morris Turnpike, Suite 1A, Short Hills, NJ 07078

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